MaxCap Group certified Carbon Neutral Organisation by Climate Active

MaxCap joins network of leading Australian businesses with carbon neutral certification
Melbourne, 24 August 2021 – MaxCap is pleased to announce that it has been certified as a Carbon Neutral organisation by Climate Active for its business operations.
The certification is recognition of our efforts to embed carbon reduction initiatives across our operating business including by offsetting carbon emissions. It reflects MaxCap’s increasing focus on sustainability which is a natural extension of our disciplined approach to risk management and our purpose which is to create lasting value for our clients.
Wayne Lasky, Co-Founder and Managing Director said “Becoming carbon neutral is a commitment to enhancing the sustainability of our operations and raising awareness about the impacts of climate change across the markets within which we operate. We are focused on ensuring the long-term resilience and success of our business and making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate and the environment at large.”
The MaxCap team were particularly keen to invest in a local offset project that provides economic, social and environmental benefits to Amhem Land community in the Northern Territories as well as reducing emissions. Amhem Land Fire Abatement (ALFA) is an entirely Aboriginal-owned, not-for-profit carbon farming business created by Aboriginal Traditional Owners in Amhem Land to support their engagement with the carbon industry. AFLA currently supports five fire projects across an area of over 80,000km2. This project involves strategic and planned burning of savanna areas in the high rainfall zone during the early dry season to reduce the risk of late dry season wild fires.
We are pleased to support this non-for-profit which provides local employment and preserves our indigenous culture and the environment.
About Climate Active:
Climate Active is an ongoing partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to drive voluntary climate action. The brand represents Australia’s collective effort to measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions to lessen our negative impact on the environment.
The certification is a new iteration of the Australian Government’s carbon neutral certification that better reflects the role that government, business and community have to play in working together to address climate change.
The Climate Active initiative and Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard supports and guides businesses as they account for and reduce carbon emissions. The Climate Active stamp helps the community take action by making it easier to identify and choose brands that are making a real difference. It’s about making good decisions today, for a more sustainable tomorrow.
Their carbon neutral certification is one of the most rigorous in the world. More information can be found here.
About ALFA
More information on ALFA can be found here.