MaxCap Investment Trust (MIT)
The MIT allows investors to gain immediate exposure to established, diversified pools of high-quality CRED positions and the quarterly distributions these generate.
Investors can choose from 2 product options, First Mortgage or High Yield, depending on their preferred risk appetite and investment return targets.
Portfolio construction guidelines on geographies, sponsors, and loan type allow for prudent management of ever-changing market conditions.
MaxCap Opportunity Funds (MOF)
MaxCap Diversified Opportunity Fund (MDOF)
- MDOF is MaxCap Direct Investment’s newest high-yielding diversified fund and is currently open for investment.
- Launched in Q1 2022, MDOF invests in Australian property development opportunities alongside well-credentialled private developers via predominantly hybrid investment structures, providing significant upside exposure whilst still protecting against downside risk.
- MDOF has secured a resilient portfolio that is well diversified to development partners, sectors, and geography.
MaxCap Industrial Opportunity Fund (MIOF)
- In response to unprecedented demand for small and medium-sized industrial land parcels across the east coast of Australia, MaxCap Direct Investment established MIOF in 2019 to capitalise on the structural dislocation.
- MIOF was established in partnership with leading property development firm, Time & Place, and is currently closed for investment.
- MIOF has exited four of the five projects secured in this Fund to date, with a forecast investor IRR in excess of a 20%.
MaxCap NZ Residential Fund (MNZRF)
- MaxCap Direct Investment has entered into a partnership with leading New Zealand listed residential developer, Winton in 2022.
- The partnership will acquire high-quality residential development sites in core New Zealand markets, capitalising on increasingly opportunistic market conditions.
- MNZRF provides investors the opportunity to invest in the partnership and is open for investment.